Monday, January 25, 2010


I have never written a blog post before so pardon me if this is not the norm. Rather than give a detailed account of what we did this week I’m just going to say a little bit about the general experience. There’s no way I could recount what everyone did anyways because I’m sure we all have a different experience.

For me this week was about rhythm. I’m sure everyone reading this has experienced some sort of large transition in life that called for rhythm. Well coming to Spain has definitely been a large transition. First things first, sleep. As if trying to go to sleep thousands of miles away on a different continent in a strange house and a strange bed isn’t hard enough we are also 6 hours different here. This week I think we have all completely adjusted to the time difference and hopefully also to our new surroundings. I can finally fall asleep without needing the help of my Ipod (music can make you feel so much better sometimes).

Language was also obviously a big part of the transition as well. While I’m sure none of us would claim to have mastered the Spanish language yet, I’m sure each and every student here would tell you they have improved drastically and feel at least a little more comfortable conversing in Spanish than when they arrived. I know I am reading better in Spanish than I ever have before thanks to all our homework! Believe it or not Spain is not all fun, games, beaches, and nice weather.

However in between all our homework we are definitely having fun. Well I suppose I should not speak for everyone, but I know most of us are having a great time. Sure we all miss home, we miss families, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, English, not losing money to a terrible exchange rate; but we are also having experiences and making memories of a lifetime. Fortunately our group happens to be super cool which makes being in an amazing country like Spain even better! I know I have started to make some really good friends and am starting to appreciate every single person in our group (not a bad apple in the bunch!).

Basically this week has been a week about establishing some rhythm in our lives that were rather chaotic when we arrived. We have figured out when we need to wake up for class, purchased any school supplies we didn’t bring along, received our books for classes, figured out where to score internet and coffee, discovered amazingly beautiful boardwalks to run on next to the Mediterranean sea, etc. Not to say we aren’t still doing some new things too. We visited the local castle on Friday and received a free guided tour. Some people also attempted to climb the mountain but decided to explore some caves instead. This coming weekend we are headed to Barcelona. Many of us also planned our spring breaks this week. It’s so fun deciding whether we would rather visit Rome, Paris, Sevilla, the Canary Islands, Marseille, London, etc. Truly we are having the chance of a lifetime over here.

For everyone back home, I know I can speak for the entire group in saying you are all missed and thought of often. Hopefully you are thinking of us too. Prayers are appreciated as well. I know of at least one person who is, “praying a hedge of protection around me.” Always thought that expression was funny… Anyways, cyberhugs all around. And don’t worry we are being well looked after by our mamas and teachers here. The only thing you should worry about is us all coming back a little chubby from the large quantities of wonderful food our Spanish mothers are stuffing us with.

-Written by Ryan Deters

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